Thursday, 17 October 2013

Week 27 Pregnancy Update and Youtube


How far along? 
End of week 27. My update for the end of week 26 was a complete lost cause, sorry about that!

Total weight gain? 
I used to be 47kg, now I am 56.4kg, I think that's nearly 2 stone! Eep, and we're only just hitting third trimester.

Maternity clothes? 
Nothing new, although maternity pants are now on my wishlist, mine are so uncomfortable. I never really understood the need for these before now! I would also quite like some preggo pjs, there's a polka dot pair in Topshop I have my eye on.

Stretch marks? 
I'm not sure... I think I might have one above my belly button but I can't work out if it's just the linea nigra... I'm trying to pretend it's not there.

Sleep is okay, it really hurts my hips to roll over, and I'm still getting up for bathroom visits quite a lot, but other than that it's fine. I haven't had any crazy preggo dreams for a while though...

Best moment this week? 
Hitting the 3rd trimester mark, fewf! The final stretch now. Somehow it feels like such a relief?! Anyone else get that? Now I'm like 'I can do this!!'.

Miss anything? 
I know I shouldn't say it, but I'm missing my old body now, and being able to go running. Oh, and when bending over wasn't such a massive effort.

Movement has definitely changed, little Jeffy is doing bigger stronger movements, sometimes they are quite painful. He's so active all the time, I still really love feeling movement from him, it's got to be the best part about being pregnant.

Food cravings? 
Still chocolate, massively, I can't go a day without it.

Anything making you feel sick or queezy? 
no, nothing.

A boy.

My hips hurt a lot more now when I roll over in bed, and I've been getting some really bad heartburn.

Belly button in or out? 
Happy or moody?
 Either super happy or I want to kill someone/cry all day long. I'm all over the place!

Looking forward to? 
Getting the rest of Jeffys things sorted out and learning how to use the pushchair, bottle-warmer etc


  1. The belly is getting so big ! SO cute ! Hope all is well

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  2. So big now! Ahhh won't be too long until he's here :) how exciting x

  3. Wow it seems like its flying by! Before you know it he will be here! Asos have some really nice maternity clothes if you are looking!

    1. thanks for the suggestion, I'll have a look for sure! x

  4. it's going so quickly, you're getting so big! Exciting!! :) The picture if so cute


    1. I know, bumpy seems to have popped up from nowhere! xx

  5. You have the most perfect little bump! Really enjoying your vlogs, seems like the time is flying by :)
    Anna xx

  6. I felt such relief when I hit the third trimester part, and then I panicked as I realised that it was the end and the birth was next on the agenda....!!!
    This last trimester is going so so quickly!

    1. haha yes, it's certainly a mixture of those two feelings isn't it? I'm hoping it'll go fast, this week has gone so quickly x

  7. You are beautiful and I'm so amazed at your current lack of stretch marks!! Work that Shea butter and keep 'em away! <3

  8. Your belly is getting so much bigger now! I loved reaching the final trimester, people say it drags but for me it went by super quickly, apart from the 11 days I was overdue. The movements can get so crazy, I videoed some of them and it's so funny to watch back now that he's here and imagining him in there kicking around hehe. xx

    Curls & Swirls Beauty Blog
