Monday 1 October 2012

Blogging Buddies

totally random picture I know, I just liked it :)
Hello there ladies (and gents, if you're out there?!), a bit of a personal post today, I'll try not to harp on for too long though, I promise.

When I first started blogging, I was pretty much what I'd call a 'blogger recluse'. I would read other peoples blogs, but I was a little too shy to comment, thinking that these girls were so confident and such 'big bloggers', so why would they care what little old me, a nobody in the vast sea of bloggers, would have to say? At the time, I had no idea how completely and utterly wrong I was. I hated putting photos of myself up on my blog, it made me feel really self-concious ( I still don't love that, but I do it cos I know we're a nosey old bunch). And, I didn't really tell people about my blog. Heck I only found a 'follow' button about 2 months ago. I had certainly never discovered the wonders of the blogging community on Twitter.

I had a couple of months where I took a complete break from my blog, I went through a pretty rough time in my life after my mum passed away and just didn't feel like pretending everything in my life was good on my blog. When I made the decision to come back to it, I thought I'd try and do things differently this time, become more involved, and make more of an effort, be myself more, I made it into more of a project (thank you to my lovely boyfriend who encouraged me to do so). I promised myself I'd have the courage to say hello to some of my favourite bloggers, and just see what happened.
The friendliness of the blogging community pretty much blew me away. The girls who I thought looked scary and intimidating, where so chatty and helpful, and just normal girls.

Let me tell you now, I'm so glad that I came back to my blog. For so many reasons. One of the main reason being all the new pals I've made, I've met such a lovely bunch of buddies through blogging now. Down to earth, genuine girls, who I consider to be real friends now. Girls who say it like it is, and are totally supportive. Some of you I speak to pretty much every day, even more than I speak to friends I've had for years. It's pretty strange for me to consider people who I've never actually met in real life proper friends, but I do, I do :)

This might sound a little strange to some of you, but I feel like blogging has really helped with my self-confidence too. Yes, I'm still super nervous being on camera (my you-tube videos are edited like a bitch), and I'm not the biggest fan of having my photo taken (I'm so freaking awkward), but all the lovely comments and tweets you leave on my posts really make me feel good about myself, and make me WANT to write and take photos. Basically, you little lot inspire me. You make me want to write about beauty and life, and see all the good things in life (god, that sounds super cheesey).

If you're reading this and you've just starting out blogging, I can't recommend more to get involved on the bloggers chat on Twitter. If you don't know what this is, (or if like me, you just don't have a clue) basically, every Sunday and Wednesday evenings, all the beauty bloggers get together to discuss topics on Twitter using the hashtag #bbloggers (beauty bloggers).
I honestly really look forward to the #bbloggers chat, I haven't missed one in ages, and it's such a great way to find new blogs, get inspired, and meet other bloggers who have the same interests as you. Nothing better than snuggling up with a cup of tea, wooly blanket and the blogger chat!
Last night after the actual #bbloggers chat, (which was about bloggers block and what you do to inspire you) a few other ladies and I ended up nattering until gone midnight (I had a 6am wake up too, woops). We just had such a good and honest conversation, and got on so well, we decided to arrange our first ever #bbloggers meet up. I have to say, I can't wait to meet some of you in person! I've got a feeling we're going to have the best time! And if any of you are ever in London, do let me know, don't be shy :)
So I guess the purpose of this post is to say if you blog, and you haven't come to say hi before, please do! Its such a great little community, so positive friendly and welcoming. Oh look, I've managed to ramble on. I'll stop now.

Have you made friends through blogging? What do you love most about blogging? Do you join in on #bbloggers chats?


  1. I loved this. You didn't harp on haha! Lovely little post. I was exactly the same, never wanted to comment, just observed the #bbloggers, But decided might as well go all on out and get involved. So glad I did. Looking forward to meeting you too! :) eek! xxx

  2. What a lovely post :) I joined in with the bloggers chat for the first time last night and I loved it! I'm looking forward to Wednesday's! I'm sorry to hear about your mum, but good for you coming back to blogging and focusing on the positives! X

  3. What a lovely post Hun-I love blogging and the fact that I have made so many lovely friends through it and twitter! My friends in real life think I'm weird talking to people online but I really don't care! I haven't yet joined in with the bloggers chat, I usually just read through but maybe I will next week :) xx

  4. Aw this is such a great post! I felt like this too when I first started blogging but the whole blogging community is really supportive. Looking forward to reading more of your posts :) x

  5. What a fabulous post, i started off feeling the same, and #bbloggers chats have helped.

    You are one of my regular reads


    1. aw, that's so lovely to know, thanks for telling me :) xx

  6. i cant agree more. it took me a loooong time to start blogging just coz i never thought i'd have much to share about, but actually getting down to blogging has helped me meet so many wonderful blogosphere friends (you're one of them!), inspire myself and be inspired, and like you said, appreciate things in life (as cheesy as it sounds i agree 100%.

    so glad you shared how you felt... i was totally nodding along while reading this the whole time!
    i'm still so new to this whole blogging thing but it has definitely helped me in many areas of life unknowingly... :)

    rachel x

  7. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about you mum lovely! She must be so proud of you right now. This is such a lovely little post, I agree with it all, so nice to make new friends in a different way, even if we've never met!
    How you are doing all good! Much love :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. This is so nice... I love this post. I just wanted to say how sorry I am about your mum passing away, but you seem to be in a good place now, so I hope that's the case. :)
    I still feel like i've only just started blogging, I have yet to get used to themes and HTML and what people want me to post and what I like posting... but at the moment I'm enjoying just getting a feel for things. I've heard about #bbloggers before but I have never got involved... I feel like I don't know enough other bloggers yet or something! as well as that, a few friends/acquaintances/family members check up on my twitter and they don't know that I have a blog - I'm not ashamed of it but it's a little bit of an awkward situation... how do you tell people about it without it sounding a little weird?
    I'm so glad you shared your love of the community - it makes me want to stick with it and get myself out there even more!
    I wanted to say also, a big thank you, for this post and also for being lovely in general! your blog is quickly becoming one of my favourites - i wish i could go to london and say hi, but as I'm in Dublin that could be a little tricky! have a great time anyway! :)

    1. Thank you honey for such a LOVELY comment. yeah I am in a pretty good place now, thanks :)
      i feel the same way, but because i didnt get involved the first time properly, i really wish i had done now, because it's made me love it so much more, and its such a massive reason why i love blogging so much! id definitely encourage you to get yourself out there more :)
      yeh totally know what you mean, i didn't want anyone to think i was being pretentious by having a blog.

      oh thats such a shame, perhaps we could try and skype you in or something?! hehe I'm so pleased honey, and thank you again for the gorgeous comment :) xxx

  9. Such a lovely post I was exactly the same I didn't do much blogging for the first 3 months and never left comments on peoples blogs. Now I've got to grips with the follow button and even bloglovin ha, look at us. I've never joined in with a #bbloggers chat yet I think I need to ha xx

    1. hehe well you made it faster than me, well done :) you should deffo get involved, i was a little scared at first, but i promise literally everyone is so friendly, you dont need to know people to start chatting to them! try it out! x

  10. Aww this post has actually made me so happy!
    For ages, I was the exact same, quietly reading other blogs and not really understanding it, but people are actually so lovely :)
    I'd love to come to the meet up, if I can, London is near my hometown but I'm currently at uni so will have to see!
    Come say hi! @floraldanielle

  11. Aw this is such a lovely post, frank and honest :) I joined in on my first chat last night to but it was the lifestyle bloggers chat or lbloggers. I had such fun chatting to other lboggers n its inspired me to start a bloghop for them as life bloggers are harder to find than beauty n fashion. I think its great ur all meeting up! I live in london too and I backed out the last meet up last minute. I think I need a bit of a push :) xxx

    @MissHolly_82 xx

  12. this is such an ace post :) ive been blogging for a few years now but felt the same as you - very self-conscious and nervous about trying to talk to 'bigger' bloggers, but i joined in the #bbloggers chat last night (thats how i found your blog!) and LOVED it. it really inspired me to really get back into blogging seriously because it reminded me what a great community it is and how much i love it!
    thanks for reminding us all how nice the blogging community is, this has given me another little boost!
    would love to chat sometime! @itsneecola on twitter and my blog is where you can find any other contact deets!
    nicola xxx

    1. I've just followed you on twitter and i'll be having a look at your blog in a moment :)
      it's crazy how many people have said that they feel self-coincious, i thought i was the only one. seems like we are pretty much all the same huh!
      I'm glad you joined in the chat, so much fun and good that it's given you a boost :) xxx

  13. Lovely post Hannah and it was great talking to you on sunday too :)

    great blog as always
    Nafisah xo

  14. This is such a lovely post! I've only just discovered your blog but think it's great. Consider me a new follower :) I'm a long time lurker of most blogs and have wanted to start my own for ages but have only recently got into the swing of posting regularly. It makes me really want to speak to more bloggers and connect more with people because everyone seems so nice!


  15. Well done Hannah on a great and honest post. I'm so sorry you lost your Mum, that must've been a terrible time for you. And I'm so glad you managed to find comfort and your self confidence in blogging, because your blogs is one I read on a regular basis and really enjoy!

    I was also really suprised at how lovely the blogging community is and how willing everyone is to support their fellow blogger. The #bblogger chats are a great way of meeting like minded people and talking about beauty and make up!

    And you don't look awkward in your photo's - just beautiful!
    Claire x

    1. thank you hun, i really did. It's like a great creative way to vent really.
      Yea it is isn't it, I just wish i'd got involved in it all a bit sooner and not been so shy and doubtful of myself!
      haha i really dont, but thank you anyway! xx

  16. This was a lovely read - i felt/feel the same sometimes about the blogging world - i hate putting photos up of myself too - but theres nothing i love more than coming home after a bad day at work and having a load of lovely bloggers on the other end of a computer :) xx

    1. totally, its like a whole new set of friends. The best part of blogging :) xxx

  17. oh hun so sorry to hear you went through so much, glad you're blogging, you have a great internet space here hun ! x

  18. What a brilliant post! I totally agree about blogging giving you more confidence... it really puts such a huge smile on my face when I get nice comments from the lovely people out there in the blogging world. Its such a lovely community to be a part of, I'm slowly starting to build up the courage to take part in the #bbloggers chats a bit every now and then, hopefully soon I'll pluck up the courage to become more active in it! Its a great way to get chatting to people.
    Kaz x

  19. Aww I couldn't agree more with the lovely comments above! Sorry to hear of your loss hon.

    Really enjoyed reading your post and you really encouraged me to get involved even more. I've been blogging before but startet my English blog only a few weeks ago and it had such positive feedback I was overwhelmed. I really wished to get involved more so I took part in a few #bbloggers chats but as I'm really shy and such a boring person I felt like bothering people, strange innit! Really hope to become as confident as you seem to be and make new pals and everything because everyone in the blogging community seems so lovely and I really enjoy being a part of it :) Still feeling awkward telling people about my blog though as everyone usually just frowns and reckons I'm pathetic or something. So ye, thanks again for posting this, made me feel a lot better and eager to keep on blogging! xx

    1. aww don't put yourself down hun. I was totally shy on #bbloggers chat for ages, sometimes i'd say nothing at all. But i promise, everyone is so accepting of newbies and willing to chat to everyone. you'll love it!
      definitely keep it all up, if you enjoy it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks! xx

    2. aw thanks so much, you really made me feel better now :) xx

  20. This is such an inspiring post, definitley understand where your coming from. I might get in the blogger chats on twitter as I currently don't, they sound fun!

    HannahMay xo

  21. Couldn't agree with you more! Even though I've only started blogging recently I've already "met" so many great people through the blogging world, and sometimes it's crazy to discover how much you have in common with someone else! And agreed... it is a bit weird to think that random people reading your blog know more about your life than people who've known you for years!

    x Ellie

  22. I am still amazed and even cry sometimes with all support I get on my blog, and since I start #bbloggers chatting, I even started to feel the love even more! I love everything about blogging and thank you for sharing this with us <3
    xo Deja
    Deja Zu

  23. Love this post, was so lovely to read xoxox

  24. This is such a lovely post! I couldn't agree with you more, I absolutely hate taking pictures of myself - because I hate my skin, my hair, my nose, my squinty eyes, the lot! But the bloggers who read my posts don't always see what I see because the comments are so bloody lovely. There is always someone who can relate to you, someone to chat to about something, someone to answer your questions, the sense of community is fab. Having chatted with you before you really do seem a lovely, down to earth girl and your Mum would be so proud. I'm coming down to London for the weekend with college in the end of the November so would be nice to maybe meet you! xx

    1. aw you silly sausage. I can't believ how many bloggers actually don't like putting up photos of themselves, its crazy! It is such a massive confidence boost when someone says something nice though, it always makes my day, it really does!
      Thank you for such a lovely comment sweety, I'd definitely be up for a meet, just tweet me :) xxx

  25. This is such a good post to read! I used to feel exactly the same when I first started blogging too. This is so inspirational to read and I think so many people can relate to it :)) You get some amazing support from other bloggers. I recently had massive problems with my blog, which ended in me having to delete it and start from scratch. Having to build up your followers again is so hard, but so many people have helped spread the word and have been really supportive :) Loved reading this!

    Terri xo -

  26. Ahhh Hannah what a sweet little post this is :) I'm so glad you decided to get involved as like you say I would now consider us 'virtual' friends hahaha! Can't wait to meet you in person, I have a feeling we will get on like a house a fire!! Blogging really is the best things ever :) such a lovely community of girls who look out for each other!! Xx.

    1. aw thank you honey :) I know, I can't wait to meet you either, so glad we got chatting :) I've met so many lovely girls! xx

  27. What a lovely and sweet post Hannah, you really have made the effort with me and I appreciate it because I feel like you're my friend too! I had no idea you'd been through such an extraordinary loss. You should be proud of yourself! xx

  28. This is such a nice post. I'm so sorry about your Mum passing away, that must have been so hard for you.
    I feel exactly the same as you felt, I've been blogging for about 8 months now, and only literally this past couple of days have I started to get in with the blogging community, although I still feel quite uneasy about it. However as cheesy as it sounds you really have inspired my to not let myself feel nervous/shy and just go for it! You seem so down to earth, would be lovely to chat one time. My twitter is @BryDodds and my blog is if you fancy getting in touch! :) xx

  29. This is the most lovely and genuine blog post i have ever read. You are an inspiration and i think your blog is funny, great fun, topical and interesting. I have also just started blogging and at the moment i seem to make myself cringe but i am getting used to it.. the reason i started a blog was to try and make new friends as i am an expat living in Geneva and to also keep myself occupied. Reading blogs like yours finally gave me the inspiration to start blogging and the faith that nobody will judge me and that i could be entering a great community of people. I will defo give the bloggers chat ago.

    Thank you for the post, i think its helped many people, more than you may realise :) xxx

    1. hey zoe, this is such an amazingly sweet comment. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my blog, I'm loving writing it too so maybe it shows hehe
      Dont worry about being cringey, I'm like that every single time I post a photo of myself up!
      make sure you keep blogging and really get involved, ive met some of the nicest girls ever who i feel like ive known for much longer han i have. good luck! xx

  30. Such a lovely post <3 Really given me the confidence to get more involved :) xx

  31. This is a brilliant post, it's given me some confidence to atleast post on here! I'm a new blogger still getting on my feet with the whole blogging lardydahh
    Been checking out your blog for most of the night (tad weird if I'm honest) but I've thoroughly enjoyed it- your blog I mean haha!
    I will definitely try get involved with the twitter chat, I've seen people tweet #bbloggers but I've never really looked into what it is

  32. ah i could really do with taking something from this post. i feel so alone lately and have just come back to my blog - need to get more involved! x

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  34. Hannah, I love this post! Blogging is intimidating, especially beauty blogging as it seems so competitive! It's nice to know most of us have felt the same way at some point :-)
    Anyhow I literally just stumbled across your blog and I have to say its instantly one of my faves! Your personality really shines through in your posts and you are beautiful! I'm literally reading back through all your past posts right now!!
    Keep up the good work! It's lovely to find such a fab blog xx

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  39. I honestly think blogging is such a good thing! It gives younger girls the chance to look up to real people, who are honest and nice! I know that when I was younger all I wanted to do was blog and be like the confident girls in youtube videos and the photos that adorned my google reader feed!

    So happy I'm finally creating a blog and speaking to people who are genuine and share the same interests! What you said is true, it is like a little community!

    This post is so lovely!

    Holly xxx

  40. I am new at blogging and now making videos on youtube. I am nervous as well about being on camera and just being true to who I am. I was depressed for a long time and not confident at all until I started blogging. I didn't want anyone really reading my blog first. It was just a way to get out of the "real world" for a bit. Now lots of people read my blog. It makes me happy that people enjoy the work that I'm doing on my blog. Everyone that I have met in this online community it amazing and so supportive of each other. I was really afraid of this community but I'm so glad that I've met so many amazing people. I had no idea about the twitter chat, I'll have to do that! Btw I love your blog!

    Lots of love,


  41. Love this blog post! It's so encouraging! I know exactly how you feel, I've been blogging for some time now but I always feel nervous when commenting on other blogs! I've been meaning to get involved in the Twitter chat for ages now but I just haven't got round to it but I definitely shall now!

    Elle x

  42. Hi Hannah,

    I just came across you today, and I was supposed to be working from home but I have literally spent ALL day looking through your blog and watching your videos. You are a beautiful lady and I love all your pregnancy videos, will go back to them when my time comes hopefully !! Anyway thank you for this too as I am a pretty new blogger and it's great to hear. Everyone I have met so far is so lovely !

    All the best and thanks again
    Michelle x
